(916) 835-4565

Ten Steps to Sell an Inherited Home

Losing your parents is heartbreaking at any age in life. Figuring out logistics is the last thing you want to stress about in this emotional time. If you have inherited your parents’ house you may need to sell it but have no idea where to start. You can reduce...

Do Banks use Foreclosure Scare Tactics?

As if you aren’t stressed out and worried enough when you fall behind on your mortgage payments, the idea of foreclosure going through on your home is enough to make anyone panic! When mortgage payments lag some banks have been found to push collectors into...

Are You Eligible for a Home Office Tax Deduction?

2020 was the year of WFH: Working from home became a reality for thousands of Americans as company offices closed down to curb the spread of the pandemic. As you prepare to file your 2020 taxes, you may be wondering if your home office qualifies for a tax deduction....

Springtime Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

The bitter frost of winter melts as the sun starts to warm the neighborhood and suddenly we find ourselves in the season of spring! Longer times of daylight, warm but breezy weather, and a sense of new life make for a great time to accomplish what we fondly call...

Why You Should (and Shouldn’t) Sell Your Home in 2020

You may be wondering if now is a good time to sell your house, and the answer is: maybe. We found this fantastic article by U.S. News: Real Estate that discusses the pros and cons of selling your home this year during the pandemic. For some, it might be a perfect...