(916) 835-4565

Is The Housing Market Getting Back to Normal?

What is normal? Maybe that is not how we would describe the housing market today; however, we see some normalcy. It is typical for the housing market to slow down during this season, which is happening across the country. For a closer look, check out this article: The...

Ways That Homebuyers Can Mess Up Getting a Mortgage

There are six things to be aware of before messing up your mortgage. Even though a 20% down payment is ideal, waiting for that magic number could be a huge mistake! Meeting with only one mortgage lender, and getting pre-qualified rather than pre-approved, are two more...

First Time Homebuyer Tips

Things I Wish I Had Known Before Purchasing My First Home Like so many other milestones in life, you won’t fully understand it until you purchase a home yourself. Even if a home looks perfect, it can have problems. Always get a home inspection. Get this great advice...

Price Reductions Do Not Equal Housing Market Crash

Price Reductions Don’t Necessarily Mean That the Housing Market is Crashing Do you see more price reductions lately? Is the housing market crashing again? No, it is customary to see more price reductions during this time of year. Things seem to slow down during...

Tips for Selling Your Home During this Crazy Market

Here are some great tips to keep in mind about today’s market: Set your price for the market that exists, don’t wait for that unicorn buyer. Be realistic about planning on timelines. Don’t be greedy – both buyers and sellers want to be happy...