(916) 835-4565
selling your home

With years of drought, climate change, and other factors in the United States the severity of wildfires is growing at an alarming rate. The risk of fire can be particularly concerning as a homeowner. Fortunately, there are a few things that can reduce the risk of experiencing a home fire. Precautions include creating defensible space around your property, clearing your roof and decks of any flammable materials, and sealing your eaves/vents. It’s also a very good idea to have an emergency plan with your family and neighbors.

FireRescue1 shares more helpful ideas to reduce the risk of wildfire around your home with their article, How To Protect Your Home From Wildfire.

If you are interested in selling your home to JxB Properties, call us today for a No Obligation, Free Quote at (916) 835-4565 or message us through our Contact Form to start the conversation.